Using Health Care Remotely’s Services for the First Time

How to Enroll

Make sure you have the necessary pieces to conduct a telemedicine visit with us.
Ensure that you have all your information ready
Upload your government-issued identification (e.g., driver’s license) and credit card into our secure servers


Health Care Remotely is only available for patients who are located in Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Texas and Washington. If you live in any of these states and would like to register for the practice, you will need the following:

Government-issued identifier with a photograph and expiration date (e.g., driver’s license)

Email address and cell phone number

Valid Credit Card

A device with a camera and microphone that is connected to the Internet (e.g., smartphone, laptop computer with integrated camera)

The first interaction has to be performed by video. If you do not have a reliable internet connection, the practice can do follow-up visits by phone. Unless you refuse, the physician will display a real-time trancription of the conversation for you to view during the visit. For those patients with difficulty hearing, seeing or a speech disability who would prefer additional assistance, please click here to see a list of Internet-based telecommunications relay services (TRS) providers maintained by the Federal Communications Commission. These TRS providers can establish a 10-digit phone number that will include tools to help patients with with challenges without an additional charge.


Please click here to review the list of medications NOT prescribed by the practice. If you need any of these medications prescribed for you, please look for another practice to obtain these medications.

Qualify for the Practice’s Monitoring Program

Some patients with specific conditions may qualify for the practice’s monitoring program. Patients who submit their measurements regularly and obtain their laboratory testing as requested could pay as little as $70 a year. Click here for more details.

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